Our Community
Our History
Cohousing Toronto met for the first time in late 2018. We are in the process of developing an all-ages cohousing community in the Toronto area with the goal of moving in by 2024. We have established our mission, vision and values, and confirmed our membership, meeting management, and decision-making processes. Cohousing Toronto envisions a vibrant, all-ages community where members live independently and enjoy meaningful social connections. The planned neighbourhood balances private homes with shared indoor and outdoor spaces that are designed to support a healthy, joyful, and sustainable community life.
Our Neighbourhood
Cohousing Toronto was initiated in January 2019 by several households. Individuals from these households have been networking to attract more members and coordinating meetings to discuss the formation of a group to develop a cohousing community. During Phase 1, those who expressed an interest have had an opportunity to complete surveys and take part in discussions to agree on meeting schedules, committee interests, and group mission, vision and values. Cohousing Toronto is now formalizing the group and its membership structure in Phase 2. We are preparing to set up a non-profit development co-operative. As this will take some time, we have identified a three-stage path to membership from start-up through development. Cohousing Toronto is paying balanced attention to project management and to the social dynamics of the group in order to create a healthy, high-functioning community from the start.
Our Story
Cohousing Toronto is in the early stages of forming a group to develop an all-ages cohousing community in the Toronto area within the next three years. We have established our mission, vision and values, and confirmed our membership, meeting management, and decision-making processes. We have hosted Pumpkin carving parties, Sailing Club BBQ’s and an educational visit to Cohabiat Quebec
Toronto Members
Althaus-Stevens Family
Our Group
A cohousing community is a community of equals. Most cohousing communities use a decision-making process that is based on consensus rather than a majority vote. The consensus process ensures that every voice is valued and heard for the benefit of the group, as well as the individual.
Cohousing Toronto believes that an engaged group working and learning together generates more creative ideas, develops more successful solutions, and makes better decisions. We are actively sharing the work and the decision-making involved in building the community we want to live in.